C Robert (24)

Composer, musician, ensemble...

Composer, musician, ensemble... "...a person holds the same relationship to this book that a virtuoso, in playing a selection on the piano, holds to the composer of the piece, that is, she reproduces the whole thing within herself — naturally according to her ability to…

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The Dog 

Rudolf Steiner talked about his book the Philosophy of Freedom, and how to study it, in this example he speaks of an imagined reader who has “…gone through and inwardly experienced all that is in my book, The Philosophy of Freedom, and feels that this…

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Descartes et le problème du dualisme

René Descartes en arrive au point de découvrir et d’établir son existence par la pensée, et nous laisse avec le problème du dualisme… René Descartes (1596 – 1650), considéré comme le fondateur de la philosophie moderne, a découvert et a établi son existence par la…

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Descartes and the Problem of Dualism

I decided to look at Descartes and his philosophy from the viewpoint of my understanding of Philosophy of Freedom. Particular mention of Descartes can be found in Ch.3. René Descartes arrived at the point of discovering and establishing his existence through thinking, and left us…

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